Razpis ASEF-a za študente slovenskega rodu
Ameriško-slovenska izobraževalna fundacija (ASEF) ponuja poletne prakse v Sloveniji, ki trajajo po 10 tednov. Prijavijo se lahko vsi študenti slovenskega rodu.
Več informacij dobite spodaj. V primeru kakršnikoli dodatnih vprašanj pišite na info@asef.net.
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ASEF Fellowships for students to visit Slovenia
The ASEF fellowships strengthen the exchange between Slovenia and the rest of the world and give talented students the ability to realize their potential to the fullest.
The ASEF fellowship program provides financial and educational support, allowing fellows to focus on their academic and professional development.
The ASEF fellowship provides funding (travel, housing, and living expenses) for a 10 week summer visit to a Slovenian university, research institution or a company in the area of applicant’s field of study and expertise.
Applications are open to full-time students, enrolled in an accredited higher education institution. Their knowledge of Slovenian language and of Slovenia is recommended but not necessary. A typical applicant is a full-time senior undergraduate, masters, or PhD student.
How to Apply?
Applications should include:
- Curriculum Vitae
- Transcripts of applicant’s courses
- Statement (about 2 pages) that includes:
- Prior relevant experience: List and describe your project work for courses, participation at research projects, lab work at your department, your independent work, relevant summer internship experience, etc.
- What do you want to work on over the summer: You can describe a project you’d like to work on over the summer at a university, company or a non-profit organization. Describe the project and argue why you find it interesting and why you are a good fit for it. Using this information ASEF will then find an institution/mentor to host the student over the summer.
- Two reference letters:
- The letters should include a clear description of your contribution to the projects you participated in.
- The letters should be written by the professors/supervisors/advisors of past projects, summer internships, classes, or your diploma/MSc thesis.
All documents (except reference letters) should be submitted by the candidates in the PDF format via the application page.
Letters of reference should be submitted by the reference letter writer at the reference application page.
If you have questions about the program or the application process, please contact ASEF at info@asef.net.
Registration and more information at https://www.asef.net/visiting-slovenia